@inproceedings{0001BBKT19, author = {Joshua Schneider and David Basin and Frederik Brix and Sr{\dj}an Krsti{\'c} and Dmitriy Traytel}, editor = {Yu{-}Fang Chen and Chih{-}Hong Cheng and Javier Esparza}, title = {Adaptive Online First-Order Monitoring}, booktitle = {Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - 17th International Symposium, {ATVA} 2019, Taipei, Taiwan, October 28-31, 2019, Proceedings}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {11781}, pages = {133--150}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2019}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31784-3\_8}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-31784-3\_8}, }